2022 Yellowstone Conference: Mind, Body, and Spirit a Holistic Approach
Yellowstone Boys and Girls Ranch is excited to be hosting our sixth annual Yellowstone Conference: Mind, Body, Spirit, and the Holistic Approach being held on our main campus in Billings, MT on Thursday November 3rd. This year’s conference is focused on mind, body, and spirit treatment approaches for Montana youth and families with professional panel discussions on:
- Mind ~Moderator: Juletta Gilge, Director of PRTF. This panel discussion will focus on the crucial role the mind plays in our overall health and wellness, the approaches we take to address and take care of the mind and looking at practical application across a variety of disciplines.
- Body ~Moderator: Lori Hanson, Recreation Therapist. During this panel we will discuss the importance of taking care of your body. In order for our bodies to function at an optimal level we will focus on movement and exercise, as well as, nutrition and sleep. Each of these components play a vital role in our ability to create a healthy body which in turn builds a stronger unity with the mind and spirit.
- Spirit ~Moderator: John Boeder, Director of Pastoral CareSpirituality and Religion can have great impacts on the mental health of individuals through a variety of means. Spirituality can bolster introspection, mindfulness, purpose, and individual growth. Religion can foster community, provide structure and ritual, and offer instruction and teaching to promote growth. Spirituality and Religion often work hand in hand to support mental health and encourage recovery from traumas. They can bring hope and a deeper sense of purpose to individuals in times of stress.
- Collaborating for Outcomes ~ Moderator: Mike Chavers, CEO of YBGR. The Collaborating for Outcomes will focus on how the systems and principles impact youth and families mind, body, and spirit.
Conference Agenda:
Check-in starts 9:00am-9:30am
Welcome 9:30am-9:45am
Mind Panel 9:45am-11:00am
Break 11:00am-11:15am
Body Panel 11:15am-12:30pm
Lunch 12:30pm-1:30pm
Spirit Panel 1:15pm-2:30pm
Break 2:45pm-3:00pm
Collaborating for Outcomes Panel 3:00pm-4:15pm
Keynote Speaker 4:15pm-5:00pm
Registration is open now and the cost of the conference is $25.00 and includes lunch or $50.00 for a virtually ticket. 5.75 CEUs and OPI credits are available upon request. Register at https://www.eventbrite.com/e/the-yellowstone-conference-mind-body-spirit-and-the-holistic-approach-tickets-336790769257.