Yellowstone Boys and Girls Ranch Community Based Services is a licensed and accredited child placing agency and mental health center providing a broad range of services for children and their families.
Each child’s story is unique and YBGR provides a variety of services designing the individualized care that every child deserves. By developing good relationships, the community programs have established multiple partnerships throughout the state of Montana, all in an effort to serve young people and families well. We take pride in our quality services as we continue to meet our youth and families where they are and provide opportunities for positive change and growth.
Contact us at
(800) 726-6755
to learn how we can serve you.
Youth Case Management
- Youth Case Management help youth and families access services to meet their child’s mental health needs.
School Based Services
- School Based Services is a program in which youth remain in their regular school environment and receive mental health therapy and behavior interventions from a therapist and behavior specialist.
Home Support Services
- Home Support Services is an in-home program that focuses on strengthening families, developing parenting skills and supporting youth to remain and succeed in their home.
Therapeutic Youth Mentors
- Therapeutic Youth Mentors are trained staff who provide youth with one-on-one time, guidance, behavioral treatment, and structured activities assisting in the youth’s development of social skills and emotional regulation.
Therapeutic Foster Care
- The Therapeutic Foster Care program provides planned, time-limited placement for children and adolescents struggling with behavioral and emotional mental health issues. Youth are placed in licensed foster homes where families have completed an intensive screening and training process.
Outpatient Therapy Services
- Outpatient Therapy assists youth in improving their social, emotional, and behavioral wellbeing and to keep at risk youth in their primary setting. The outpatient therapist can go to the youth’s school, home, or in a confidential community setting to provide therapy in order to be least disruptive to the youth’s schedule.
Chemical Dependency Services
- Chemical Dependency Services is as an integral part of treating youth who struggle with substance use in their daily lives.
Child Welfare Prevention and Support Services
- Family Preservation and Reunification is a program that is designed to create a safe, stable, and supportive family environment and increase the strength and stability of families, including parenting skills.