The Yellowstone Conference: Kids in Crisis
Celebrating 60 Years of Leadership and Creating Positive Outcomes for At-Risk Children and Youth in Montana
Save the Date for September 21, 2017, 9:30 a.m. – 4:30 p.m.
Yellowstone Boys and Girls Ranch has reached 60 years of working to improve the lives of At-Risk Children and Youth in Montana. As part of our celebration of this legacy of caring, we are hosting a conference focused on improving outcomes for kids and families in Montana. Named The Yellowstone Conference: Kids in Crisis, the event will focus on promoting effective solutions to the problems facing our state’s most vulnerable young people, and provide a forum for mental health practitioners, education staff and law enforcement to exchange ideas – and to celebrate the efforts of those who are on the front lines developing and implementing solutions.
Based upon Georgetown University’s LEAD (Leadership, Evidence, Analysis, Debate) Conference, the conference is designed to be both interactive and informative. During the conference, dedicated and knowledgeable professionals from a variety of governmental and organizations from around Montana will provide insight on the current challenges facing Montana youth, as well as introduce promising practices.
Through a lens of trauma informed practice and a focus on outcome measurement, the conference will provide opportunities to learn and engage on the following topics affecting Montana youth:
- Youth Suicide
- Social Media and Bullying
- Co-Occurring Disorders / Dual Diagnosis
- Funding Challenges and Opportunities
Eric Arzubi, MD, Chair of the Billings Clinic Department of Psychiatry and is President of the Big Sky Regional Council of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry will be providing the keynote address at the end of the day, summarizing the event.
Afterwards, there will be a reception celebrating YBGR’s 60 years of caring.
Fee for conference is $25.00, which includes conference, lunch, and reception.
Register here