YBGR utilizes evidenced-based treatment approaches that include Trauma Informed Care, Attachment Regulation and Competency, Cognitive Behavior Therapy/Trauma-Focused Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, Dialectical Behavior Therapy, and EMDR.
Research supports these approaches in the treatment of depression, anxiety disorders, oppositional behavior, mood disorders, attachment and trauma related symptoms, addictions, and personality disorder traits. YBGR staff are trained in identifying and assisting youth in recognizing negative thought patterns about themselves and the world that affect their emotional state and behaviors.
YBGR therapists engage youth and families by utilizing traditional individual, family, and group therapy; Chemical Dependency therapies; animal assisted therapies; recreation therapy; ropes course initiatives; art therapy; and conflict resolution approaches. The multidisciplinary treatment team for the residential program includes psychiatrists, physician’s assistant, nurse practitioner, nurses, a clinical psychologist, therapists, recreation therapists, program managers, mental health workers, a school psychologist, a school counselor, teachers, and therapeutic work supervisors.
The YBGR residential treatment approach includes a level system that denotes a resident’s overall and current progress in treatment. Each child or adolescent is unique and presents with circumstances that require consideration by the treatment team. Therefore, treatment is individualized to the resident based on these circumstances and the child’s therapeutic needs. Families and guardians are encouraged to participate in the treatment process and are a critical part of the child’s program. Visitation and passes help assess treatment gains towards reintegration of the youth into the home and community.
Residents, parents, guardians, and referring professionals are encouraged to participate in the treatment planning process. YBGR provides treatment in a beautiful and supportive environment. YBGR staff understand the difficulties involved in children and adolescents being away from home and seek to make the most of this time by providing the youth and families we serve with an experience that will improve functioning and relationships for years to come. Residents build relationships with peers who are experiencing similar difficulties and with staff who are trained to assist them in building positive relationships.
Outside providers involved with the youth and family, such as school representatives, community therapists, or advocates are encouraged to participate in the treatment process. Residential and Community Based treatment team members communicate frequently with clients, parents, guardians, and referral sources in order to address treatment progress, interventions, and recommendations.
Community Based Services treatment teams may include therapeutic youth mentors, case managers, outpatient therapy, school-based services, home support services, supportive employment, chemical dependency, and family reunification services. The treatment teams work with youth and families or guardians in order to ensure that youth are accomplishing treatment goals.
Youth involved in YBGR Community Based Services are offered individualized treatment planning based on the unique circumstances and difficulties of the child and family. In addition to parents and guardians being involved in the treatment, youth enrolled in school based services have the opportunity to work with a therapist on site to help ease anxiety and the difficulty of attending outpatient appointments. Community Based programs also offer a continuum of care that is available to assist youth and families at home, at school, or in the community at large. YBGR community based staff are trained to provide support, assistance, and therapeutic services to youth of all ages who are struggling with mental health and/or educational issues.