Youth Dynamics Joins Forces With YBGR for Montana Kids

Did you hear the news? Youth Dynamics and Yellowstone Boys and Girls Ranch are joining forces to address the growing mental health needs of Montana’s kids and families.
With a vision of a seamless, comprehensive children’s behavioral health continuum, our union will bring together 100+ years of combined experience, over 3,600 children served annually, and nearly 800 caring individuals delivering our mission.
Expanding Mental Health Care Across Montana
Operating as Yellowstone Boys and Girls Ranch, we’ll offer tailored care to meet each child’s unique needs across nearly every county statewide. From community and school programming to therapeutic group homes and PRTF residential treatment, we’re committed to providing the right service at the right time—at the lowest level of care possible.
Together, we’ll enhance our capacity to serve and provide efficient, trauma-informed, wrap-around care that ensures better outcomes for kids.
Learn More About Our Partnership With Youth Dynamics
Visit our YBGR Partner Facts page to learn more about how Youth Dynamics and Yellowstone Boys and Girls Ranch are working together to strengthen mental health care for Montana’s kids and families.
Stay Connected
Stay tuned to our news updates for the latest from around the state, and follow us on social media. You can find us on LinkedIn at Yellowstone Boys and Girls Ranch, Instagram at @ybgr_cares, and Facebook at Yellowstone Boys and Girls Ranch.